umrah guide english


We should filter the intent to perform Hajj, to look for the delight of Allah Alone. with a craving for the Hereafter.
We ought to take after the Prophet's (PBUH) illustration, in our words and our deeds (Means The Qur'an and The Hadith)
We should utilize legitimately procured cash to perform Hajj.
We should perform (Five Times Daily Prayer) congregationally as so much as doable.
We should maintain a strategic distance from all haughtiness and have character of unobtrusiveness and humbleness.
We ought to be polite and supportive to each one, take care of old and powerless individuals and spend some cash in donations on the off chance that we can.
We ought to look for absolution from Allah always.

Due on boarding

Muslims should say the following dua when they board.

سُبْحَانَ الْذِي سَخَّرَلَنَا ھٰذَا وَ مَا کُنَّا لَہ مُقْرِنِیْنَ وَ إِنَّا إلي رَبِّنَا لَمُنْقَلِبُوْنَ۰ اَللّٰھُمَّ إنِّي أَسْئَلُکَ فِيْ سَفَرِنَا ھٰذَا الْبِرُّ وَالتَّقْوٰی وَ مِنْ الْعَمْلِ مَا تَرضَي، اَللّٰھُمَّ ھَوْنَ عَلَیْنَا سَفَرَنَا ھٰذَا واطوعَنَا بُعْدَہ، اَللّٰھُمَّ أنتَ الصَّاحبُ فی السفرِوَ الْخلِیْفَۃُ فِیْ الأھْلِ، ھٰذا اللّٰھُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوْذُبِکَ مَنْ وَ عَثَاءِ السَّفرِ وکأبۃ الْمَنْظَرِ وَ سُوْءِ الْمُنَقَلَبِ فِيْ الْمَالِ وَالْأھْلِ (المسلم)

Allah is so Great ! Allah is so Great! Allah is so Great! all Glories be to Allah who subdued this (carrier ) to us and we were not capable of subduing it
And verily unto our Lord, we are to return.
O' Allah we approach you this trip of our own for goodness and devotion and for words that are delightful to you.
O' Allah! Make this trip comfortable for us and lessen its length.
O' Allah! You are the escort of the trip and the Trustee of the family.
O' Allah! I request your assurance from the dreariness, setback and difficulty of the journey contortion and depravity in property, family and children.

Miqats (Ahram Stations)

Miqats are endorsed stations as set for Muslims by Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him)
· 1. " Al-Juhafah" today known as "Rabegh"
· 2. "Dhul-Hulaifah" Today known as Abyar Ali.
· 3. "Dhatu-Irq" situated In upper east of Makkah.
· 4. "Qurn-Al-Manazel"
· 5. "Yalumlum"

Via Air Pilgrims: From UK/Europe

pilgrims going via air from UK must wash up and wear Ahram before coming to the Miqat, however they must make the intent (Niyyat) and call ourt "Talbiyah"
just on coming to the Miqat taking after the declaration. (Saudi Airlines reports about Miqat). In the event that going by other airline, Miqat zone comes
around one hour before landing in Jeddah Airport.
Note: It is not reasonable for pilgrim to go through these recommended stations without wearing Ahram, whether they land by Road, Air or Sea.

Wisdom Behind Umrah

The Umrah is an important act of Worship of Allah. Umrah is not compulsary. it is recommended by the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. The Messenger of Allah ( peace be upon him) said;
العُمْرَۃُ إلي الْعُمْرۃِ کَفَّارَہٌ لِمَا بَيْنَھُمَا، وَالْحَجِّ الْمَبْرُ وْر لَيَسَ لہ جَزَا إلْا الْجَنَّۃ : البخاری والمسلم
Umrah is expiation for the sins committed between it and the previous Umrah. And The reward of Hajj Al Mabroor is nothing but Paradise. (Bukhari and Muslim)

Pillars of Umrah

1. Ahram with the Intention.
2. Tawaf.
3. Sa'i between Al Safaa and Al Marwah.

Obligation of Umrah

1. Ahram From Miqat.
2. Shaving or cutting the hair

Name of Places

The House of Allah in the Holy Mosque in Makkah. The Kaa`ba is the first and the most ancient house of worship ever built for all of humankind and dedicated to the worship of one God.

The direction Muslims face to pray.
The north-western corner of the Kaa’ba faces towards Yemen and this is why it is called Rukun-e-Yemeni (Yemen's Pillar). It is not appropriate to kiss this part during making a circuit of the Holy Kaa'ba.
Hajr-e-Aswad (The Black Stone):
It is in the north-eastern corner of the Kaa'ba. This stone is called Hajr-e-Aswad (The Black Stone).
Ibne Abbas narrated that Allah's messenger (PBUH) said:
the black stone came down from paradise and was whiter than milk but the sins of the sons of Adam turned it black, Hajjis should kiss it if they get chance.
The southern part of the wall between the door of the Kaa'ba and the black stone is called Multazam. Pilgrims embrace this part of the wall.
In a Hadith Prophet (PBUH) said whoever calls Allah upon Al- Multazam, Allah Al mighty will answer his prayer.
A short distance away from Kaa’ba towards North there is an open space. The place has small walls around it but there is no ceiling. There is a tradition of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) that suggests that this place was left without a roof because enough wood was not available to cover the entire building of Kaa’ba. A pilgrim should keep this place inside the Tawaaf but it is not right to face this place when offering prayers.
Muqam-e-Ibrahim (Place of Ibrahim) :
There is a small round-shaped Monument in front of the door of the Kaa'ba and the Multazam.
This Monument has a stone that was used by Hadrat Ibrahim (A) to stand on to complete the walls of the Kaa'ba. On the Stone there are Ibrahim's foot prints, This is called Muqam-e-Ibrahim (Place of Ibrahim).
After completing the seventh circuit during the pilgrimage, two Raka't of prayer are offered near the Muqam-e-Ibrahim. Allah Almighty sai

وَاتخَذُوا مّنْ مّقَامِ إبْرَاھِیْمَ مصلي ( البقرۃ)

And you people the maqam ( place) of Ibrahim as a place of prayer.
(Al Baqarah 125)

There is a circle of white stone around the Kaa'ba. This is the place where the circuit of the Holy Kaa’ba is performed during the pilgrimage.
Zam Zam:
Zam Zam is the name of the famous well in Al-Masjid Al-Haram, it is situated at a distance of thirty cubits away from Al-kaa'ba this well sprung up when Ismail (Alaihis Al Salaam)as an infant struck the Earth with his heels in thirst, his mother Hazrat Hajra looked for water, but could not find any, she climbed to the top of Mount Safaa and prayed to Allah (SWT) for help, and then she climbed Mount Marwah and did the same.
Allah (SWT) responded to her supplication and sent Jibreel (A) to dig out the well of Zam Zam, it is from the virtues of the Zam Zam that it is situated in Haram, Makkah.
According to the hadith the water of Zam Zam serve the purpose for which it is intended before drinking

Al-Safaa and Al-Marwah:

Two small hills in Makkah were located in the north of Masjid-Al-Haram. Now these hill shave been flattened. Hadrat Hajrah ran seven times between these two hills in search of food and water. Pilgrims are ordained to follow her footsteps and go to these hills seven times.

How to Perform Umrah

1. The Ahram
If a pilgrim wishes to be ritually pure for Hajj, he should cut pubic hair and take a bath as he would after sexual defilement, if convenient. He should perfume his head and beard with the best oil he can find. There is no harm to use tooth brush and paste or soap for bath after Ahram. Bathing for Ahram is Sunnah for both men and women,
Ahram for Men
Two-piece garment of Ahram (Tahband and Rida) which preferably should be of white cloths. He shouldn't wear sewn garments such as a shirt, turban, under shirt, under wear, socks or gloves etc.
Footwear Rules
There is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars concerning footwear (for men) in Ahram: The Hanafi scholars says that the Medial Cuneiform Bone should be uncovered.
The majority of scholars (Maliki, Shafi and Hanbali) agree that only the Ankle Bones (Malleoli) need to be unconvered. (Suggested footwear. Flip flops or sandals)
Ahram for Women:
Women should not do makeup, and she may wear any clothes available as long they do not display her adornments. She should be completely covered except for her face and hands.
2.The Intention:
Then he /she prays the obligatory prayer, If it is time. Otherwise, he / she makes his/ her intention by praying the two Nafil Rakats, Make Niyat by saying " Labbayka Hajjan" or Labbayka Allahumma Hajjan wa Umratan .
If he /she fears that something will prevent him from completing his /her Hajj he/ she should make a condition when he /she makes his intentions, saying:

When he /she finishes he should say:
"In the name of Allah, Allah is the greatest. O' Allah, with faith in you, belief in Your book, loyalty to you, compliance to the way of your Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH).
"Our Lord, grant us good in this life and good in the hereafter and save us from the punishment of the Hell fire. O' Allah, I beg of You for forgiveness and health in this life and in the Hereafter."
"Allah is the Greatest."
"And keep the station of Abraham as a place of Prayer" [2:125]
5.Al- Hajar Al-Aswad
O' Allah ! I ask earnestly the beneficial knowledge, the excessive provisions and healing against all the suffering and disease.
Places to Visit in Makkah
Madina Munawwarah
Virtues of Madina Munawwarah:
Prophet's Mosque
Visiting the Prophet's Mosque
Place to Visit in Madinah
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